Friday, February 15, 2008

China regulators now spooked by ghost stories!

This is under the "When you thought you'd seen it all category!" Chinese regulators in mainland China "has added ghosts, monsters and other things that go bump in the night to its list of banned video and audio content in an intensified crackdown ahead of the Beijing Olympics." According to a recent Reuters UK report.
Offending content included "wronged spirits and violent ghosts, monsters, demons, and other inhuman portrayals, strange and supernatural storytelling for the sole purpose of seeking terror and horror", the Chinese administration said.

This isn't the first time countries have banned Ghost Stories nor does PW think it's going to be the last!

There are numerous events in history where suppression of information has occurred. This is one of a number of recent events where China has cracked down on personal internet content. And imposed censorship on it's people dealing with ghosts!

If in their mind, ghosts and spirits don't exist, then why ban stories about them?

Thank you for your time and attention! Have a great day!

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