Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Where is a good psychic when ya need one?

Psychics, mediums and spiritualist oh my!

Well, they knew we were going to write this article, but for the rest of us mere mortals... when do you bring a psychic, medium or spiritualist into an ghost investigation?

First, what is a psychic, medium or spiritualist? A psychic is a (pronounced /ˈsaɪkɨk/; from the Greek psychikos - "of the soul, mental") claimed ability to perceive things via extra-sensory perception. The term also refers to theatrical performers who use techniques such as prestidigitation and cold reading to produce the appearance of having such abilities. - wikipedia

And a medium is a person who practices Mediumship which is a form of relationship some people say they have with spirits that is practiced in religions such as Spiritualism, Spiritism, Espiritismo, Candomblé, Louisiana Voodoo, and Umbanda. - wikipedia

A Spiritualist is a person who practices Spiritualism.

Spiritualism is a religion that began in the United States and flourished from the 1840s to the 1920s—especially, though by no means exclusively—in English-language countries. By 1897, it is said to have had more than eight million followers in the United States and Europe.[1] The religion's distinguishing feature is the belief that the spirits of the dead can be contacted by "mediums," and can therefore provide living people with information about the afterlife. - wikipedia

If you've been keeping up with PW's articles on investigating hauntings we state that the initial ghost investigation shouldn't have any Psychics, Mediums or Spiritualist! It should be as emotionless as possible. And the investigation should eliminate all of the basics of factors that contribute to the experience of hauntings. Such as:

  • Psychotropic experiences from Black-mold,
  • Loose flooring or supports,
  • Faulty wiring,
  • Telescoping vibrations,
  • Micro-wave resonance on a building,
  • Plumbing problems,
  • Loose house fixtures,
  • Animals, mice, rats moving around within a building,
  • Psychotropic experiences from arsenic oxide (e.g., swamp gas),
  • Psychotropic experiences from DDT, Clearners and Deteriorating Rug Adhesives,
  • Occupants with psychological disorders requiring doctors care.
Once the above has been determined to not be the cause of the haunting experiences then we'd recommend that you bring in Psychics, Mediums or Spiritualists.
Now the question should be: How do you check the references on a Psychic?
The best is to use one of the online background checks such as: Instant Background Report!
And don't be afraid to test this person out with a simple test! If they fail then send em packing!
Especially if they are investigating your house for a "Donation!" Money is money no matter how it's wrapped!
Another thing to consider is the advice given to you. Some of these people have damaged property, had home owners sell their property when they didn't have to and had the psychic move in to protect a property. Don't take what they're saying on blind faith no matter what mantle, collar or title they've presented! A Scam Artist comes in many disguises! Caviat emptor!

Thank you for your time and attention! Have a Phantasmagoric World Day!

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